Aml, how heavy was the part of the wing that broke off? And... ... /8-1-0-311 heavy was the fuel that...
Сергей Амелин: Пожалуйста, используйте фотография номер 01, чтобы отметить расположение объектов (1 - 7) и заборa показанных на рисунках 02, 17, 26,...
Irrelevant. You can also translate it: Hit the table and the scissors will answer. Hit the table and the scissors will sound. Original: Uderz w stół...
Hit the table and the scissors will call you.
Biba: I did not say "А польская пресса незаинтересована и всегда говорит чистую правду" so don't put words in my mouth or try to imply something I...
_Sandman_: About conspiracy theories - I have just as many reasons to believe the Moscow-controlled MAK as I had to believe the Washington-controlled...
To _sandman_: It's not the first time you are trying to discourage a free discussion and to redicule a point of view different than yours. Who are...
Из интервью с Павлом Плюснин: ( ) "- Значит, вы не обладали никакой информацией об их высоте? - Не обладал." В...
This is in Polish. It shows the two possible trajectories before the first collision with the tree. Это по-польски. Это показывает два возможных...
I do not understand what you mean. Please explain. Я не понимаю, чего вы хотите. Пожалуйста, объясните.
Siergiej Amelin: [img] Your distance and time scales are wrong. Distance from the runway threshold to the top of the second hill - 2220m. The time...
Siergiej, what horizontal velocity did you assume for this scheme? What average horizontal speed? Siergiej, что горизонтальная скорость ты...
You're right. Typing error (twice!) Corrected. According to MAC, accident happened at 10:41:06 - that you must know. The power line brocken at...
Siergiej, I respect you for the work you have done in this case. However, I have to disagree with you on this aspect. In your blog, you wrote:...
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