I couldn't express it any better. Any naive Western politician or manager who wants to trade or cooperate with your country should be required to...
_sandman_ писал(а): look for more information (e.g. polish sources) and you'll find both the exact time of the crash and information about the polish...
Really ? Would you be as kind as to explain why do you think it's a "бред" ?
_sandman_ писал(а):the exact time of the crash was published. What is the exact time, then ? _sandman_ писал(а):polish authorities conduct their...
Before I look into it, would you mind to tell me if your analysis was done just listening to the track, or using some kind of software tools ? I...
I believe that video and audio track to it - are true. - is this a correct translation ? If so - even if the clip and original audio track are...
Thanks, Aml, but I'm really not that interested in you (btw: we exchanged e-mails on your Picassa Album, about 2 weeks ago). I'm much more interested...
Co z tego ma wynikac ze zrobil wiele zdjec ? zrobil, widocznie mial powody. Widocznie mial rowniez powody poswiecic wiele czasu na zabawy z...
I live in US, I found this Forum watching Polish TVN24, they quoted Amielin there. What kavkaz-centr is ?
I infer he wasn't interrogated from the way the whole situation was handled later by both the Polish and Russian authorities: looks like both parties...
поняла. I don't think the guy in the clip is drunk, I even don't think he is old. To me he looks like somebody in good shape, oblivious to the crash,...
Posting photos of the apparent witness who (I bet) wasn't even questioned by the police is as much funny as posting the photo below by Amelin as...
I don't agree it was 'простой пластиковой пакет', look closer at the video. This 'Вполне нормальный человек' -- was he found by the police and...
right, he walks as if it was the most usual to have an airplane crashed over your head, .... he noticed the guy making the video clip, but remained...
:bad: . Ребята, я вижу у вас весело здесь : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=48375&p=6931805 Могу ли я повеселиться также, а ? :angel: Я считаю, этот...
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