National Transportation Safety Board.
Конечно. Предполагаю, это Operator's не installation мануаль :)
GNom, Hезависимое интернет-сообщество однако не исправило ситуации с мануалом по TAWS, но у Вас и у Кулера он за долгое время уже есть :drink:
GNom, у меня русский очень плохой, так простите я напишу по английский :) Imho, you can't find those in the Internet; well, at least I wasn't able...
Мне кажется, Вы хорошо поняли :) Я только хотел сказать, что это всё - теперЬ - тоже официалЬно подтвержденно. Простите, что я оказался...
You gave a link to a press information that was produced on 10.04, that is on the day of the accident. Additionally, as of yesterday, the Polish...
Нет, это не было официально. Здесь, в Польше, мы очень немного пока знаем официально... The first time, this matter of some special navigational...
там тоже написано: Could someone provide an explanation for this lower limit? (of course, many airports in Poland are below that)
Perhaps I don't comprehend everything correctly... The matter of this special navigational system has been discussed in Poland some three days ago....
The PDF document may be hard to search for text inside. There's also a searchable HTML text on several sites, for instance:...
We have three commission for air accidents: 1) the State Commission for Investigation of Air Accidents. This is a civilian commission under the...
и нашиx комитетax :-) 1) Edmund Klich - (recently assigned) the chief of Commission for Air Accidents in State Aviation - его ушли :-) 2) Edmund...
Not quite that. It was Tusk himself who assigned E. Klich a chief of the military commission for this particular accident. While, at the same time,...
Edmund Klich was indeed assigned the chief of the State Commission for Air Accidents (this is another one, than the one he resigned from, the...
Мне нравится, что это немногo значить... политика :mellow: Mr Edmund Klich had publicly criticized the minister of defense (Bogdan Klich) and,...
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